Natalie Ike

Web Developer


About Me

I was inspired by the movie Jurassic Park to study Robotics in college because I wanted to build large-scale robot special effects. But by the time I was set to graduate, the dinosaurs were all CGI, so I went to Film School to explore the other possibilities in the film industry. I’ve worked in audio, digital media operations, and data and content operations, always with a focus on process improvement and automation.

Reflecting on the years I've spent working to improve and automate processes, I’ve realized that the most interesting part of my job is the part where I’m working with the dev team to implement new technology. So, I'm charting my course in web development.

I enjoy manipulating data and integrating it into the UI. It's important to me to consider how to make data processing an easy, user-friendly experience.

My Projects

Round Robin

Application for managing and participating in Craft Swaps, Secret Santas, Sweets Exchanges, and more. Enables Event Moderators to create and manage events effectively, and allows Participants to easily discover and join both public and private events.

Sole Developer

Utilizes Node.js, Express, React, Redux, Sequelize, Facebook OAuth 2.0, and Passport

Adheres to Gitflow

App URL:

GitHub Repository:


Command-line application suite, composed of three applications: a customer-facing application for purchasing items; a storefront manager application for updating inventory; and a supervisor application for sales reporting and department management

Sole Developer

Utilizes Node.js and MySQL

GitHub Repository:

I Felt It

Earthquake mapping app utilizing the USGS and Google Maps APIs to provide earthquake information to users, gathers location data from users who felt the earthquake, and enables them report earthquake information to their Facebook wall.

Lead Developer on a team of 4: Performed code review, merged code, and managed overall development timeline.

Managed Firebase database and integrated OAuth 2.0 with Firebase using Facebook’s SDK.

App URL:

GitHub Repository:

Friend Finder

Friend-matching app that allows a user to take a survey, and matches them to the user whose answers are the most similar.

Sole Developer

Utilizes Node.js and Express

App URL:

GitHub Repository:

Rock Paper Scissors

Multi-player rock-paper-scissors game utilizing Firebase for gameplay and chat interaction.

Sole Developer

Utilizes Javascript, JQuery, Firebase, HTML5, and Bootstrap.

App URL:

GitHub Repository:

LA Times Scraper

App to scrape articles from the LA Times. Users can leave comments and read the comments of others.

Sole Developer

Utilizes Node.js, Express, Cheerio, Mongoose, Handlebars

App URL:

GitHub Repository: